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The purpose of our K-8 school is to provide a sound academic education, integrating Biblical truths with the subject taught.  The academic requirements for each grade level are developed to meet the course of study prescribed by the Missouri State Department of Education, with emphasis on a high standard of achievement.


The purpose of our preschool is to provide a quality program for all of the children enrolled.  Our teachers create an environment in which each child is free to play, learn, experiment, and grow and his/her own rate.  Appropriate actions and behaviors will be encouraged and developed through daily living in a Christian atmosphere with loving staff members. The preschool at TGCA offers a 5 day program (Mon-Fri), 6:30 am – 6:00 pm for children from 3 months-5 years.


If you are interested in giving your child(ren) the gift of a strong education based on a Christian worldview, we’d love to hear from you!


  • Call 314-776-6473 for an interview appointment and a tour of our elementary or middle school.

  • Call 314-776-6757 with any questions or for a tour of our preschool.


Tower Grove Christian Academy accepts students in kindergarten through eighth grade upon successful completion of registration requirements and placement testing, provided there is evidence that their parents share in the goals of the school. The school asks that parents and guardians sign the Parental Agreement and the Parent Partnership Contract. Middle School students are also asked to sign a behavior agreement during the first week of school. The respective principal will interview students in grades K-8. The head of school is responsible for the final decision of admitting students.


Documents required:

1.  Health records (including a physical for all students entering kindergarten, 3rd, and 6th grade)

2.  Birth certificate (elementary only)

3.  Recent report cards (Grades 1-8)

4.  Scores of any standardized test

5.  Transcript and behavior report from previous school

6.  Any other information that will help assess the student’s potential

7. IEP (if applicable)


Kindergarten is offered to children who are at least five years old before July 31 of the current school year. All children entering kindergarten must have a physical exam and provide immunization dates.

Children entering first grade must be at least six years old before July 31 of the current school year or successful completion of Kindergarten.

Because a high standard of conduct is expected of each student, a careful analysis of each application is made. Each prospective student is admitted on probation with the understanding that the administration can place the student in the class best suited to his or her needs.

If money is owed to Tower Grove Christian Academy, Tower Grove Preschool, or another school, the student will not be accepted until the debt is paid in full.


New Students

Academic standards for new students enrolling in Tower Grove Christian Academy are as follows:


1.  Parents and new students must schedule a meeting with the respective principal or head of school. They should bring the latest report card and standardized test scores.

2.  Students having more than one “F” on their report card from their previous school for a semester are probably unsuitable for enrollment. Entrance will usually be denied.

3.  Entrance requirements will be evaluated by the head of school and acceptance or rejection for enrollment will be based on his evaluation of placement scores, past grades, conduct reports, and other pertinent information.

4.  All new students are accepted on general probationary status for one semester.


Academic Probation

Students attending Tower Grove Christian Academy must maintain at least a “D” average (1.0) for continued enrollment. Those that fail to meet this requirement will be dealt with as follows:


1.  Any student with more than one “F” will be placed on academic probation for one quarter. During the quarter of probation, the student must maintain a “D” (1.0) average in all subjects.

 2.  If a student on academic probation fails to keep his/her grades above an “F’ in more than one subject area, then he/she will be asked to withdraw from the school.

3.  Exceptions to the above standard are made at the discretion of the principal.


Pre-enrollment Testing

A testing fee will be assessed on all incoming students in 1st through 5th grade must be tested prior to placement. Incoming students grades 6th through 8th may be asked to be tested prior to placement at the discretion of the administration. Testing dates are pre-arranged and scheduled after March 1 of the prior school year. Contact the school office for more information.




K-8 2024/2025 Tuition

Registration Fees:

A non-refundable Registration Fee of $300 per child is due upon enrollment for new families


All returning families registration fee: $300 per child until April 30, 2024

$350 per child until May 31, 2024, $400 per child June 1, 2024 and thereafter.




TGCA Extended Day Program

*Late charge for care after 6:00 pm will be billed at $1 per minute.


Late Start 

Students that start late (after the first week of school) will be charged the full registration amount, but the tuition amount will be prorated by the school days remaining in the school year. 


Delinquent Policy 

Delinquent accounts will be dealt with in the following manner: 

  1. Parents will pay their tuition on the 10th or 20th of the month. Tuition will be delinquent five days later. If past due, a charge of $35 will be assessed. 

  2. If your payment is more than ten days overdue, your child(ren) will be kept out of class if tuition is not paid for that month. Exception: If under extreme conditions a parent cannot make regular monthly payments by ten days after the due date, a plan in writing must be submitted to the Business Office by the parent stating how the tuition will be paid within 90 days. The parent must also agree to make regular monthly payments while making payments on past due tuition. Failure to make specified payments will result in the removal of the child(ren) from class. Extreme conditions are loss of job; loss of health; etc. Only one such instance will be allowed per year. 

  3. Report cards will be withheld if there is: a tuition balance on an account; an extended day balance of $25.00 or more; overdue library books and/or fines; unreturned athletic uniforms, lost or damaged electronic charges, or any other monies owed to the school. 

  4. Records will be withheld if there is a balance of any amount on an account. Fees include library fines, payment for lost books, extended day, athletics, or other expenses. 

  5. A fee of $35 will be charged for a returned check. If a family has a returned check, they will need to pay their tuition each month by money order or cashier’s check made payable to FACTS Tuition. 

  6. Students will not be allowed to participate in graduation if any tuition or fees are past due or athletic uniforms are not returned. 

  7. Past due accounts of those no longer attending Tower Grove Christian Academy will be turned over to a collection agency. 


Graduation Policy 

No student in kindergarten or eighth grade will be allowed to graduate until all financial obligations are paid. This includes tuition, registration fee, student fee, Extended Day, lunches, lab fees, graduation fees, library fines, lost or damaged electronics, athletic uniforms, or any monies owed to the school. All fees must be paid in full no later than two weeks prior to graduation. This policy applies to the entire family account and not just the student graduating. 



Parents must give written notice of withdrawing their student before the school year begins or during the year. If this is not done, the tuition cost will be charged until the school is officially notified. When a student withdraws, a two-week notice should be given. 


The amount of tuition for which the family is responsible is as follows: 

Withdraw Day 1 to 5 -------------------------------- Accountable 10% 

Withdraw Day 6 to 20 ------------------------------- Accountable 20% 

Withdraw Day 21 to 35 ----------------------------- Accountable 30% 

Withdraw Day 36 to 50 ----------------------------- Accountable 40% 

Withdraw Day 51 to 65 ----------------------------- Accountable 50% 

Withdraw Day 66 to end of first semester ----------------- Accountable 60% 

Withdraw up to the tenth day of second semester --------Accountable 75% 

Withdraw after tenth day of second semester ------- Accountable 100%


Preschool 2024/2025 Tuition

Registration Fee:

$200 per child

Registration fees are due upon enrollment and are non-refundable.


Monthly Tuition

(Multi-Child Discount: If you have more than one child enrolled, you pay the full tuition rate for the youngest child and the discounted rate for the older child)

Preschool Tuition

There is no reduction in tuition for absence, holidays or weather related days.  Tower Grove Christian Academy Preschool requires a two-week notice should you remove your child from our program.  There will be no refunds without a two-week notice.


Late pick-up charges:

6:00 pm – 6:10 pm = $7.00*

6:11 pm – 6:20 pm = $15.00*

$2.00 per minute charges after 6:20 pm*

* All times are recorded by office clock.


Tuition Management

Tower Grove Christian Academy has contracted with FACTS Management Company to manage our tuition payments.  FACTS Management Company serves over 4,000 schools nationwide and is the industry leader in tuition management for private and faith-based schools.  Please know there will be an annual fee for enrolling in FACTS.  Once your account is set up, you will receive an initial invoice/statement from FACTS.  It will list your total tuition and fee balance for the upcoming school year, along with instructions on how to enroll in a payment plan online.





A student will be enrolled when all of the following requirements are met:

  1. All accounts – Tower Grove Christian Academy, Tower Grove Preschool, or any other school – must be current.

  2. The registration packet must be filled out completely and accepted by the school.  All forms must be completed yearly.

  3. New students and parents must schedule an appointment with the respective principal or head of school. They should bring the latest report card and standardized test scores.

  4. The registration fee must be paid in full.

  5. A copy of the birth certificate must be on file in the school office for students in K through fifth grade.

  6. Your child must have had all the necessary immunizations as specified by Missouri state law or have appointments to receive them as soon as possible. If this condition is not met, your child is not enrolled, even though the other requirements may be fulfilled. If your child is permitted to enter school on the condition that immunizations are in process, he/she may attend only as long as this process continues. Upon completion, it is the parent’s responsibility to provide the school office with written proof that the child has received the required immunizations. Failure of the parent to continue and complete their child’s immunizations will result in the child being removed from school. Missouri law requires that we comply with this regulation. See the “Health Services” section for a complete listing.The Parental Agreement, Behavior Contract, and Computer User Agreement must be signed and on file in the school office.

  7. Child custody papers, if applicable, must be copied and placed in the student’s file.

  8. All parents are expected to attend Town Hall meetings and Parent/Teacher Conferences.


Registration Forms​










(Elementary and Middle School only)




  1. TTEF scholarships of up to $2000 per student per school year are available for students in grades KG-8th. 

  2. Please contact Laura George at the Today and Tomorrow Educational Foundation to learn more or apply. 

  3. Additional information is available at the web site 

  4. Today & Tomorrow Educational Foundation (TTEF) as an Educational Assistance Organization (EAO) for the K-12 Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program: MOScholars.  Click here to complete the prequalification survey.



  1. The primary goal is to provide assistance for the cost of tuition. 

  2. This scholarship shall not be disbursed to any family receiving any other type of financial aid whether in discounts provided by the school as given in the annual school handbook or from outside grant sources. 

  3. The disbursement of the scholarship shall be offered at the discretion of the administrator based on the proving of financial need. 

  4. The scholarship for one or two students shall be one-fourth off of tuition with proof of income level of both parents or guardians combined at less than two and one-half times the current year U.S. Poverty Guidelines. A third student from the same family shall be considered free in regards to tuition. 

  5. All financial rules concerning payment to the school shall apply as given in the school’s annual handbook. 

  6. If an account becomes two months delinquent, the scholarship shall be forfeited and tuition shall be restored to its normal level for the entire year. It will not be prorated. 

  7. This scholarship is a needs-based scholarship. A limited number of Open Hand Scholarships will be awarded. 



  1. If the adjusted gross income of both parents or guardians combined are below the current year U.S. Poverty Guidelines, the tuition for each child enrolled shall equal one-half of the annual tuition charged by Tower Grove Christian Academy per grade level with no other discounts applied. 

  2. The disbursement of the scholarship shall be offered at the discretion of the administrator based on the proving of financial need. 

  3. The full registration fee must be paid upon enrollment. Once your application is approved, a credit of one-half of the registration fee will be applied toward your account. 

  4. Tuition must be paid by April 30 of the current school year. 

  5. If tuition becomes delinquent, a $100 surcharge shall be added per student enrolled per month of delinquency. Two consecutive months of delinquency shall cause the forfeiture of the scholarship and dismissal of the student. 

  6. Any family that has to forfeit the Gleanings Scholarship cannot ever re-apply for said scholarship. 

  7. This scholarship is a needs-based scholarship. When the requests are more than the allotted number of scholarships, those with the greater need may be given priority. A limited number of Gleanings Scholarships will be awarded. 



Pay your tuition in full by August 1 and you will receive $200 off your tuition.



If you have a child enrolled in Tower Grove Christian Academy and Tower Grove Christian Preschool, you will receive a 5% discount off the annual school tuition.


Click here for additional discount opportunities

City Christian Academy will be located at the intersection of Magnolia and Tower Grove Avenues, on the north side of Tower Grove Park. Historically, this building has been home to Tower Grove Christian Academy and will continue to be the home of Tower Grove Church.



4257 Magnolia Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110



Church Office (314) 865-4673

Elementary and Middle School (314) 776-6473

Preschool (314) 776-6757



M-F 6:30am-6:00pm

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